

  • products
    • Soy sauce
    • Sweet Bean Sauce
    • Spicy Sauce
    ABOUT tianche
    相识Tian Che

    Zigong Teway Food Co., Ltd. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sichuan Teway Food Group Co., Ltd., identified as a "Key Leading Enterprise of Zigong City" and an "Advanced Leading Enterprise of Zigong". The company has a history of over 100 years in the professional production of seasonings such as soy sauce and bean sauce.

    The company has focused on building "Tian Che" as a professional brand in the sauce series, with advanced production and packaging lines for soy sauce, bean sauce, spicy sauce, etc., and the annual production capacity of various products can reach more than 10,000 tons. By integrating advanced technology with traditional technology, the company developed a new type of compound seasoning, Tian Che brand spicy sauce, in the 1980s, which has long been famous in the industry. The company's registered trademark "Tian Che" is recognized as a "China Time-honored Brand".

    brand history
    We have always adhered to the service concept of "customer-oriented" and have been committed to improving customer core competitiveness and customer satisfaction.
    The company has focused on building "Tian Che" as a professional brand in the sauce series, with advanced production and packaging lines for soy sauce, bean sauce, spicy sauce, etc., and the annual production capacity of various products can reach more than 10,000 tons.
    Established "Zigong Teway Food Co., Ltd."
    The company's registered trademark "Tian Che" was recognized as a "China Time-honored Brand".
    The company registered the trademark "Tian Che".
    Developed a new type of compound seasoning, Tian Che brand spicy sauce.

  • 【网站地图】【sitemap】
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