
  • 暖锅系列
  • 快餐系列
  • 中餐系列
  • 特色菜系列
brand tenet
  • brand


    Brand Mission

    Creating Greater Value for Customers

  • brand


    Brand Vision

    Leading the Chinese Catering Seasoning Industry

  • brand


    Brand Values

    Customer Empowerment, Efficient Innovation

    Integrity, Shared Success

domestic services
  • Exploring Solutions Together

    360 ℃ overall needs assessment, professional catering team diagnostics, and providing comprehensive seasoning solutions.

  • Precise Restoration

    Formula product restoration accuracy of over 99%, with consistent flavor and quality.

  • Efficient Delivery

    End-to-end service, simplified process, exclusive hotline, high efficiency, available 24/7.

  • Product Steward

    Continuously providing customers with product upgrades, new project development, and comprehensive solutions for dish extensions.

  • Platform Sharing

    Providing customers with catering consulting services and jointly building and sharing an industrial ecosystem

international services

With expertise in culinary arts and a customer-oriented approach, we provide services to various types and scales of customers, including large chain fast food restaurants, large hotels, and restaurants. The company's products have been exported to over 20 countries such as the United States, Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Japan, South Korea, and Peru for 15 consecutive years.

Teway Food will continue to pursue our goal of "leading the Chinese seasoning industry", constantly consolidate and improve our leading position in the industry, bring the authentic "Chinese flavors" to the world, and endow the "Chinese taste" with new meaning, thereby contributing to the development of the industry.

友情链接:新葡萄8883官网AMG  合乐888  4008云顶集团  大发welcome登录  永利欢乐娱人城  itb8888通博  广东会vip贵宾厅  全博体育  AG8大厅登录  澳门新葡萄新京威尼斯  BBIN·宝盈集团  利记·sbobet  九州ku酷游  云顶国际  8455线路检测中心  九州ku酷游  FYTbet富易堂  j9九游会官网  宝运莱  伟德国际victor·1946  立博  yd2333云顶电子游戏  新葡萄8883官网AMG  立博